After that I went about town.
Seriously though, check out the Marzipan cake below.
Can you see the family resemblance?
I think its in the smile :)
Ahh the famous Norwegian Kaldtbord, open sandwiches for us brits. The idea is probably enjoyed by many lazy folk around the world, but this my friends is an art form.
Oslo was described by some old writer (who actually hated the place) as a city of tigers. He was in-fact commenting on the cities previous reputation for vice and how it would leave a dirty mark on your soul.
Don't know what that guy was smoking frankly, but hey, that was written back in the 19th century. Heh, its the first place I've been in where the locals could say "things arn't what they used to be" in a positive spin!
Love you Liverpool ;)
Hell I've always found Oslo a super "common sense" place decorated with dozens of funky alternative stores, traditional and historical sites and a sense of identity that knows who it is and is damn comfertable with it.
Ironically, some arty kids thought it would be well, ironic, if they planted a giant bronze tiger in-front of the main railway station.
Some don't agree that this is smart or even funny.
What do you think?
And what would Liverpool's patron animal be? And dont say the liverbird, please!
Good kitty...
See that Balloon below? That's advertising, Norwegian style.
I think the next one advertised wonder bra (I wish...)
Looks like you accidentally managed to photograph part of the 100th anniversary celebration of Norwegian aviation and air sports - three balloons took off from down by Akershus fortress on the 5th of May. Oh, and welcome to Norway! :-)