This is the entrance to the inside part of the folk museum. The outside stretches the area bigger than liverpoool city centre!
It had all sorts of news paper clippings, items and general stuff taking us back through the last few decades. Strangely, along side things such as Aha's big break into Brit pop, sat news on the Falklands war. Our countries certainly take an interest in each other.
Still, it was awesome to see an example of my old Commodore 64, the Xwing fighter from the eighties and duck hunt for the Nes. How much we take for granted.
I'm a city boy apparently, as told to me by a young lad called Nicky. I saw the ants below and freaked. Well not freaked but got a bit shocked. Let me make this clear. The average Norwegian ant is about three times the size of our smaller British cousin. It has a bright red back (fire ants anyone?) and are those ones that build giant mounds against trees.
Can you see them?
Here are some of the older buildings that were either built on site or actually transported from their original homes. You see the Norse peoples kept there old homes in such good nick the didn't need to make recreations at all. Kind of puts McDonalds' pre-fab buildings to shame really considering.
Ok. I found my natural talent in this one. Turns out I have a pretty good sense of balance as I discovered when I tried my luck on these stilts.
Maybe I should get some?
Answer in the next post.