Monday 15 June 2009

Toof ache....

Well.... whats the one thing you dont want to happen when youve just moved to a far away strange place? Appart from being keel hauled by the rampaging and very famous badger pirates, there is also toof ache!!!

It is the one low end ailment that will stop any attempt to do the fun stuff in the day, not to mention the important stuff! Like, eating, studying norsk, sex, you know!?

ANyway, got handed this magic stuff (as opposed to the other magic stuff which was like rubbing snot in my cheek, which funnily enough warned for no "mucas membrane contact"), which helped tremendasly. Except as I later realised, its designed to stop gingervitus.


ANywho, nursing myself through the third day, being reminded just how much of a pain wuss I am. (Sorry for keeping you up baby!) Its wierd, but I think I would take a bullet just to stop this. I might be wrong, but I would.


Well, that feels much better. Thanks for reading.


  1. Ugh...hope it's not a cavity and is just a sore root or something.... I had a root infection/sore once, and the dentist just advised to try and eat softer things and go easy on it. Hope yours can heal itself with some time, too. God bedering!

  2. Nope! Fail! Root canal. The entire toof is long dead and full of bacterium. I tell ya, it stank the room out as she popped the old amalgam cap. She said it was lucky I have such hard enamel, another week and the infection would have claimed two more teef!
    Now Im drugged up to the eye balls and waiting on two more 90 min operations.
    Total cost: 4000Kr.

    Ikke bilee!

    Thanks for the concern though, cant get enough of the concern. :)

  3. Ouch! I'm guessing you have a high pain threshold? Since it got that bad before you noticed, I mean? Not cheap, but it's worth it! :-)

  4. High pain threshold eh? Well, I dont know about that but when ones fear of the dentist outways the pain, I suppose it could seem like that.
