Friday 12 June 2009

The cat hates my whistle...

Well as it seems my girlfriend (girl fienden? Nei, nei, nei.) likes musical instruments, ive been given a whistle to practice with. Its cheap, easy to learn and is apprently a great entry level instrument for anyone wanting to play something more like the guitar, without actually lumping out for one.

Bare Bra!

Except... My girls flat mate has a cat... and it hates my practice sessions. Seriously, the second I start she gets up and starts protesting at me. Runs off, waits until Ive stopped and then comes back in again to restart the whole process. I actually think I cause it pain!

Anyway. I kicked it out. SO! Back to the practice!
Oh and please, no whistle jokes.... I heard them all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that poor cat. Thanks for following and reading, I swear I'm going to return the favor! I was very flattered to read the whole inspiration bit...very! Thanks for the compliment, and great job on getting started with Norwegian...sometimes you'll feel like putting your head through the wall, but keep with it!
