Wednesday 24 June 2009

Busy, Busy and very lost!

Wow, what a week its been! Where do I start... Ah from the beginning!

Ny jobb!
So a distant relative of Ingrid's gets in contact with us about a job for me, which is spooky because noone told him I was in need of one. He speaks to me over a mobile phone from Malta, and tells me he needs me to be a Football commentator.
I'm not religious, but if God exists hes got a sense of humour alright. I'm about as football mad as a brick, though to be fair, I've known some "bricks" who were football fans.
So, as I dream about fearfully commentating like them on TV, the next day he emails me and explains its for an internet betting agents.
Still, its money.

And getting there!? Bloody hell! Not only did I get the time mixed up and thought it three hours earlier (which strangely helped), the match had been moved. I spent about 200Kr on bus travel and the ticket and if my maths is correct, spent over four hours on a bus or waiting for one.
Still, its money.

So, my first game? A womans match at Telanor Stadium for the fantastic Stabæk Vs Arnø-Bjørna (sp?) match. The stadium was large, with only the hardest of the hard core fans, and there was me with my big backpack (dont go anywhere without it), shouting down the phone things like "Danger Home." Etc. Went through two phones batteries and had a fantastic time.
In the end, persivearing paid off in that it felt worthwhile, and the money I'll get will pay for the travel costs at least.
Heh, now I can say I used to do this for a living.
But I'm not stopping here...

"I have a dream!"
After talking with a good friend of the family, it seems Norway is in great need of "male" teachers. Especially in kindergarten. The reason I have quoted the male there is that here in Norway they believe that both males and females need to present as a child grows up, just like in a family. Im no psychologist or whatever, but they also didnt have the massive media hyperbole we had back in the early 90's about Gary bloody Glitter and his "lot." You know what I mean.
Anyway, I figure that I want to reignite my old desire to be a teacher (stop laughing at the back!), but of course while my Norwegian is still coming along, its best to start small. Literally.
Turns out I have the basic qualifications anyway and anything I need I can learn on the way there or during.

First time I actually have a martin luther you know what I mean?

Anyway, got a fish curry to start and another match to go to.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Congratulations on the new job.It's sounds like fun :)

  2. Thanks, I keep telling myself its all baby steps, you know?
    Still the big one will come in August I think.
