Monday 31 May 2010

One Year Anniversairy

A rather strange day occurred recently when I realized to my horror that I had in fact been in Norway for exactly a year last Saturday. Desperate to make a deal about it, I tried to arrange a celebration, maybe even start a little something for all of my other "invanderer" friends. As it happens, sodding Eurovision was on the same day.

(As an aside, have to say, Pete Waterman needs shooting for that travesty of music, and lets be honest, did anyone else notice that the English "dancers" were all drunk during the show part of the night? So embarrassing.)

Anyway, just as I was prepared to settle in for a night of eurotrash, my good friends surprised me with a gift an a hug, congratulating me for a job well done. Interestingly enough, those good friends will have been here a year in July sometime, so maybe a tradition can start for this? If I could coin it, I call it Invaders day, celebrating one year as an Invader, or immigrant if you like. :)

Anyway, for this years Anniversairy (a word I always struggle to spell) Ive decided to write up something of an appraisal. Maybe look back at past posts, events and memories and maybe go through the steps and travails I took to get this far. If I read it tonight, I should be able to write something up tomorrow.

Until then. If youre reading this and you yourself are an Immigrant in Norway, ask yourself, when is your Invaders day?


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