We finally managed to acquire internet without setting up a line which would make us have a TV License issue (Cant stand TV, computer only thanks). SO!
Its christmas, and for many of us here in Norway its no big deal. This is my first norsk xmas and after the julebord I was dragged too Im really looking towards it! Ive been told many things and it seems to me, at least in my experience here, that christmas hasnt become the dried husk of capitalism worship it is in England.
Ribbe, check.
Pina kjøtt, check.
Grøsris, check.
On my way!! Still, Im going to miss my family this year, like never before. Though, my mum, ever the wonderful being has sent me a "care package" via mail. Dont know whats in it until it gets here, but I know, I know, what a woman. Love you mum!
Need to send my family their stuff next...
Norwegian or Polish electrics I dont know, but, in our lovely new flat, I accidently nearly k
Heres a photo of the plug before it was fixed (For free!).
I didnt really apreciate this until I read an article revealing the secret trade of your pictures over the net. Any pictures you put on facebook, legally become their property. So, a picture of you might end up on those horrible pics of girls or boys that are single and want to have sex with you. Well, if your good looking anyway...this is making me sound very arrogant, but still my point is THEY CLAIM OWNERSHIP!!
No thanks, fascist gits.
BEHOLD THE HALLOWEEN MADNESS! (I did promise pics didnt I?)
The Dubliner, is a very high end Irish themed pub near Stortinget Station. It has a fantastic weekly session crew of folk singers, fiddlers and more. Im proud to say my girl is one of the singers welcomed there. However that night although the music was still themed, the patrons were more towards the darker side...(The pic on the bottom is me and my girl, Ingrid.)
In other news, the xbox is back and is being well used. I have now officially lost my girlfriend to KOTOR, a game as addictive as crack. (So not as bad as World of Warcraft). Im now creating a batch of flashcards to add new words to my norsk repatoir. My application for a work permit is under way after some seriously tragic beaurocratical insanity (More later) and I should be trying two job agents.
Once again, thanks for reading this little blood stain of my ireverent labours, hope you all have a fantastic xmas!